
Theme: Celebrity endorsement and worship. Betrayal, family dynamics, power dynamics, reputation,  and an introduction to festivals.

Part 1:

Metal on bone reverberated in a sickening crunch before silence fell over the concert hall. All eyes fell on the Simia man on the floor in the middle of the crowd. Luca watched as the man slowly raised his hand to his forehead, cautiously feeling the gushing wound. Hot blood oozed down the man’s face and Luca wondered how that much blood fit in someone’s head. Lying at his side lay the cast iron pan, tart cherry pie scattered in ruins on the cobblestone floor.

Just when Luca was about to run over to help him, a cheer burst from the man’s lips, hand pumped in the air in a triumphant fist. Cheers erupted from the crowd as the man was pulled to his feet, his friends dragging him backstage where automaton wait to patch up the brave festivalgoers.

Luca ogled the scene, teeth bared in a toothy grin. The Feast of St. Alonso occurred annually, and it was his favourite event of the year full of games and processions, the only time he was allowed to have any fun. Sacred and revered, no trades were permitted, and so, all events were open. Anyone and everyone could partake.

‘I’m gonna do it,’ Luca told his grandfather, rolling up his linen sleeves. A smile pulled at the edges of Ajax’s lips as he gave a quick side-eye to his grandson. Luca was taller than his grandfather but at sixteen, he hadn’t grown into his shoulders yet. Ajax stood with a perceptible menace, his arms comfortably over his chest.

‘What? You think I won’t?' Luca probed, tying his blonde hair in a bun. He’d never participated in the pie thrower before, his family usually warning him against it. They called it superfluous when it was nothing of the sort. It was a way to show bravery and veneration in the face of bloodshed. The mark of a true Draconis mercenary.

‘I have no doubt of your willingness to participate, it’s more a matter of whether you should,' his grandfather replied, watching another next pie fly through the air hitting a small woman straight in the chest. The scent of apple and cinnamon exploding on impact.

‘The great Ajax scared of a little blood,’ Luca mocked with a smile, raising his voice over the roars of the crowd. All his life, tales of the revered Ajax Visconti whispered like wildfire through the town. One of the greatest living Gonfalon Draconis naval leaders reduced to a tame old man.

A waste, Luca thought. If anyone could teach him to be a leader, it should be him. For years Luca had been trying to convince his grandfather to teach him to trade, to fight. Instead, he spent his days gardening in his silly little greenhouse next to his castle.

Luca ran into the crowd, and without turning back he knew his grandfather’s eyes followed him all the way into the trenches.

‘Coming through,’ he warned, nudging his way into the middle. Arm against arm he squeezed through the horde, sweat steeping his shirt and sticking it to his skin. Locking eyes with the artist on stage, his height made him an immediate target. He held his arms in the air as the artist picked up the next pie from the table.

The black cast iron pan sat heavy in her hands. Screams escalated around him and the artist held his eye contact. She retracted her arm, and with as much force as she could muster, launched the pie. As it to hurled towards him, the crowd hushed and ducked down. Luca heard a slight whooshing sound right before the crack.

Searing pain exploded from his cheek as his skin split, the piercing sensation of cells ripping apart on impact. A thick clang rung out as the pan hit the floor. Luca stumbled back, right into his grandfather’s grasp. His grandfather steadied him with warm hands gripping his upper arms. The pain seeped into his bones as his nerves cried out in a way he knew he couldn’t. Remain stoic. Make an impression.

‘Told you I’d do it,' Luca yelled to his grandfather over the ringing in his ears.

‘That you did,' his grandfather steered Luca past a small woman who was winding through the crowd, on her way to clean the mix of pie and blood that decorated the floor.

Sweat and blood melted on Luca’s tongue in a sweet, metallic fusion. Wiping away hot blood from his cheek he could already feel starting to swell, Luca was guided by Ajax around the corner to the backstage medical room.

Whirs and metal clinks resounded throughout the backroom as the sanctified automatons roamed the space carting around fornean kelp and balam for the wounded. Their wheels squeaked, waiting for someone to oil them up.

As Ajax sat Luca down in an empty corner, a bellowing voice halted the chaos of the room.

Part 2:

‘I’ll do it myself,’ the stranger yelled, snatching the kelp from his second in command's hands.

The stranger was taller than Luca and with shoulder’s twice as broad with arms that looked like they were sculpted by a chisel blessed by a saint. His doublet had a patch sewn on the front; blue fabric with a halberd and wheel-lock pistol crossed over it. Fleet of the Abyss.

Luca looked at his grandfather, ‘I’m going over.

'Ajax inhaled a deep breath, clearly forcing himself to refrain from rolling his eyes.

‘Wait, let me just-’ his grandfather said as he put fornean kelp on Luca’s wound. Luca groaned slightly at the help and ignored the initial sting of the application. Though, Luca ensured his face remained neutral, soldiers felt no pain.

‘Okay, okay you’ve done it,' Luca pushed his grandfather's hand away and stood to introduce himself to the man. Luca’s heart raced, a grin uncontainable spread over his face as he stumbled over to the figure. He’d never met a fleet soldier before, only heard stories of their valour and fearlessness, they were powerful. One day, he would be too.

‘Hi sir, I wanted to introduce myself,’ Luca held out his hand to the goliath.

‘Domenico Drusus,’ Domenico replied, ignoring Luca’s outstretched hand. The strong scent on Gremory wafted from his bellow breaths, the habit likely picked up while at sea. Luca rescinded his hand, the air heavy on the way down.

‘I’m Luca Visconti,’ Domenico’s eyes widened for a split second at Luca’s introduction, his posture suddenly taller, leaning close to Luca.

‘Visconti? As in Ajax Visconti?’ Domenico replied, his eyes eager. Luca flared his nostrils at the reference. Once again, his grandfather's reputation outweighed anything he could say.

‘Yeah, that’s my grandfather, he’s over there,' Luca hesitantly explained, pointing to the man in the corner. Ajax who had been keeping an eye didn't seem surprised when Luca called him over.

‘The Enforcer! I’ve heard the stories, it’s an honour to meet you,' Domenico smiled showing the yellowish tint of his teeth under his receding gums. Shaking Ajax’s hand, he lingered a second too long. Ajax wiped his hand on his breeches.

Luca lingered to the side, teeth clenched, and arms crossed over his chest. Everyone was always so concerned with the great Ajax the Enforcer they refused to see what he’d become. He was an old man who now divulged in leisurely activities instead of tending to business. The only thing he enforced nowadays was Luca’s curfew. His grandfather was not the man he used to be, and Luca was reminded of that every day.‘

I have a proposition,’ Domenico’s gaze never left Ajax’s impartial expression.

‘I’m not here for business,’ Ajax replied.

When are you ever, Luca thought. Not that he would ever say it out loud.

‘Like yourself I have a reputation, I need help before a deadline delivery tomorrow, on a time crunch you see,’ Domenico whispered, stepping close to Ajax and seemingly forgetting the concept of personal space. ‘If you help me out, I’ll give you something in return.

'Domenico was trading during the feast. If he went ahead with this, he’d be committing sacrilege. Luca stared in awe, listening intently only to Domenico. This was dangerous, they risked exile if they were caught. Luca’s heart raced. This was the world he longed for, he wanted in.

‘I’m not here for business,’ Ajax simply repeated, taking a step back.

‘I am,’ Luca perked up, stepping in front of his grandfather. Ajax cocked his head to the side, looking Luca up and down.

‘Not this kind of business, Luca,' Ajax stepped in front of his grandson, blocking his view of Domenico. Luca’s nostrils flared again as he tried to move his grandfather out of the way. He was always trying stuff like this, trying to control him.

Luca stared at his grandfather through squinting through blue eyes, but he knew his grandfather would never back down.

‘Ajax!’ A voice called from the distance. Ajax turned his head, a sigh of recognition as Ajax began walking away.

‘Let’s go,' he said. Luca stared at this grandfather; feet planted firmly on the ground.

‘I just want to ask him some questions,’ Luca tried convincing him. Ajax raised his eyebrow, a warning: don't test me.

Luca’s stance faltered, there was no winning with him. Luca gave one last look to Domenico, a small nod before following his grandfather as they walked away. Looking behind him, Domenico was already leaving out the back door with any hope Luca had of entering the trade business.

With a slight shake of the head, Ajax walked off, greeting a woman Luca recognised from the castle. Salus, he thought her name was. She helped Ajax around the garden sometimes.

Luca’s thoughts drowned out the chatter between his grandfather and Salus as he chewed over the wasted opportunity.

Luca watched his grandfather engrossed in conversation about his lavenders and without thinking, he swivelled, dancing softly on the soles of his feet in the direction of the back door. A knot of guilt formed in his gut, but he couldn’t let it go.

Fresh air wafted in his face as he opened the door and running into the street. Up ahead, he saw Domenico talking animatedly to his second in charge. Luca ran after them.

‘Hey! Wait!’ he called out with heavy breaths after his sprint. Domenico stopped in his tracks, turning around to face Luca.

‘Let me help you,’ Luca asked eagerly, inhaling deeply and correcting his posture. Domenico raised chin to look down at him, curiosity glinting in his eyes.

‘No offence kid but this isn’t the kind of thing you want to be involved in, it’s a dangerous business as I’m sure Ajax has told you all about,' Domenico spieled and began walking so fast Luca had to skip to keep up, ‘have you ever even done a transaction with your grandfather before?

’‘No, but that’s why it’s perfect, no one will be suspicious of me and if they catch me I’ll say my grandfather sent me to scout the grounds,' Luca loudly whispered, looking around him for eavesdroppers. Though, no one was paying attention. Looking back to Domenico his skin buzzed with adrenaline. Tonight he would prove himself.

‘You said you had a deadline, right? I can help you,' Luca persuaded.

‘Alright prospect, here’s what I need you to do…

Part 3:

Stepping into the glaring moonlight, Luca felt a sickening drop in his stomach for the first time. The hairs on his arms stood tall like soldiers in battle, ready to march the beat of his thumping heart.

Why was the cart so loud? Metal wheels on cobblestone drummed through the street.

At close to two in the morning the streets were asleep, only the whispers of the wind made a sound as Luca made his way back to the festival games. All he had to do was extract the crank mechanism from the Human Claw Machine, steal the cogwheel and the precision wheel, and get them to Domenico’s ship without anyone noticing. Just some minor theft and sacrilege. Nothing major.  

The Claw Machine cast long shadows under the moonlight, the contraption tall and complicated. The scent of algae wafted through the air as the body of water next him lay completely still, a contrast to the activities upon sunrise. By these estimates, he had two hours to get this disassembled, the pieces transported to Domenico at the ports and onto his awaiting ship. Plenty of time. Domenico would be gone before the the sun even peeked over the horizon.

Analysing the contraption Luca was struck by the size and calibre of the machine, dozens of intricate mechanisms carefully assembled with mathematical precision.

‘No way am I meant to do this on my own,’ he whispered to himself. Domenico had assured him it was an easy job. Maybe it was simpler than it looked?

Luca’s shoulder’s were tense, his breath rapid as his hands worked as quickly as possible dismantling the machine. He wasn’t unfamiliar with machinery and automata, mechanics and metallurgy a key aspect of tutoring growing up. If anything, he wasn’t going into this blind. He could do this.

Each small sound sent a panic through his chest, every wild animal roaming the streets, every gust of wind sounded like voices in the distance. High alert, he was listening for the sounds of any guards in the area. Every instinct in his body was screaming at him to run, to abandon the project, telling him he didn’t need this. He ignored them.

Screws ground under his light touch, his hands working as quiet as possible. Slowly, the machine was becoming disassembled.

Once he received his payout this would be worth it, he’d prove to Domenico, to himself, and to Ajax he was capable of more than just classroom theory and the comfort of his bedroom walls. If his grandfather wasn’t ambitious enough to invest in a good business opportunity, Luca would do it for him. Luca was a Visconti, it was about time he showed the world what that meant.

Footsteps appeared, boots thumped through the street.

‘What do we have here?’ A man’s voice from behind him boomed and Luca sank into his chest, his lungs pulled into his stomach. Breath hitched, he stood frozen with a chill settling over his skin.

‘You wouldn’t happen to know anything about a tip involving sacrilegious activity in the festival quarter would you, kid?

’As if someone froze him in time, Luca couldn’t move. Words lodged in his throat, suffocating him. Why wasn’t he more careful? Of course someone saw him out in the open. The festival never really sleeps.

‘Nothing to say?’ He said leaning in close, intimidating him. A burst of heat exploded under his skin at his close proximity. Who did he think he was forcing Luca to retreat into the crane?‘

Back off,’ Luca replied defiantly.

‘You see this tip mentioned a young delinquent out here stealing parts to sell,’ he continued, ignoring his demand, getting closer with each second. From the corner of his eye, Luca saw the guard’s partner, a Faleni guard, watching with a taut grin.

‘No, no, you don’t understand, my grandfather Ajax Visconti sent me down here,’ Luca had fully backed himself against the crane to create distance, but the guard merely closed it walking closer and closer. He’d prowled so close his hot breath seeped into the skin on his neck.

‘Funny, they said you’d lie about that.

’Domenico, the realisation hit him hard, anger emerging at the betrayal. How could he have been so stupid? The guard cocked his head to the side, a slight grin on his face. Rage exploded from Luca’s chest, in an instant, he reacted.

‘Get away from me!’ Luca shoved his shoulders to which the guard stumbled backwards. A wicked grin bloomed on the guards face. Luca felt he might have made a mistake.

This thought was confirmed when the guard walked back to Luca, slamming him into the crane. Luca was pinned. His face pressed against the crane, the cold metal stinging his flushed cheeks.

‘Let go of me,’ Luca urged, but he only pushed Luca’s head further into the middle, his teeth pressed into his cheeks and the now familiar metallic taste of blood filled his mouth as his jaw slightly unhinged in his mouth, an ache burgeoned as the guards pressed her large hand over it.

‘Stop resisting,’ the guard taunted under Luca’s wriggling body. He was trapped. Positioned so he couldn’t move, panic rose in Luca’s throat and he thrashed as hard as he could to be released.

‘Stop moving!’ a strong grip pinched Luca’s hair and drew his head back, Luca opened his eyes for a second, fear entrenched in his pupils as he realised what he was about to do. As if in slow motion, he rammed his head against the crane, pain raging on impact. A sting erupted from his scalp as he let his hair go, it fell as he did, crumbling to ground like a puppeteer releasing their strings.

A small groan escaped his lips while he rolled onto all fours.

‘Get up,’ the second guard ordered, while the first one took a step back.

‘Do you know what the punishment for sacrilege is?’ she asked and gripped his shoulders, hauling him to his feet. Her wings held him in place.

‘Please, stop,’ Luca begged, spitting the words out in breathy syllables. The anxiety in his chest rivalled the throbbing pain in his head. The request was futile, there was no one around, not that they’d interfere anyway, no one was usually stupid enough to commit crimes during the feast.

‘I said, do you know what the-’ before she could finish her sentence, the guard was cut off by a familiar voice.

Part 4:

‘Guards!’ the guard turned her head to the voice and as she did, Luca saw a silhouette in the distance. The colour drained from the guards face upon realising who was facing her. Dropping Luca, he slipped to the floor.

‘Sir, we didn’t know,' she began to say.

Ajax walked toward them as the two guards cowered into themselves. Why were they scared of him? He had no power over them or their jobs.

Reaching into his pocket slowly, the guards raised their hands in defence, ready for a pistol to the face. Instead, Ajax handed over a pretia coin to each of them.

Wide eyed, they accepted the money. They knew exactly what it meant: you saw nothing.

Scurrying off into the night the guards ran, leaving Ajax and Luca alone. Choppy breaths exhaled from Luca’s throat. Still disorientated, he looked up at his grandfather. Ajax’s head blocked the moon, the light spilling out from behind him.

‘Where is he?’ his grandfather said, his voice deep and hushed.

‘Granddad, I’m sorry I thought-'

‘Where is he?’ Ajax articulated every word with unprecedented venom. This time he’d really done it.

As Luca led his grandfather to the docks, Ajax stopped outside a popular market stall. Flavia’s Florist. The Visconti’s were loyal customers, carefully curating the perfect bouquets for each of their dinner parties.

With no hesitation, Ajax approached the door and banged as hard as he could three times.

‘It’s two in the morning, what are you doing?' Luca half-whispered, half-yelled at his grandfather. Ajax ignored him.

Steps from inside gradually became louder and someone stomped their way to the front door, ‘What are you- Oh! Ajax, what are you doing here?' Flavia was a short Faleni woman, her eyes glowed red in the darkness The oil lamp behind her displayed the silhouette of her wings of which the short hairs were in disarray after clearly being woken from a deep sleep.

'The Luca had never seen it before.

Walking through the street, light chatter amplified with each dawning second. He surveyed the long street ahead of him, and at the end of the path they saw a few men scurrying around the port, loading metal parts onto a small ship. Luca had been a distraction and Domenico was in possession of the real stolen materials. Domenico had made a fool of him.

Luca and his grandfather approached, their footsteps alerted the businessman to their arrival. Domenico’s jaw unhinged, his eyes grew wide before quickly recovering his expression with a wide grin.

‘You made it! Well done, I knew you’d do it Luca, where are the parts?' he rambled on. Despite talking to Luca, his eyes only lingered on Ajax.

Luca glared at Domenico, watching Domenico’s eyes flick over to Luca for a second before landing them back on Ajax. The jig was up and he knew it.

‘Sorry! It was just business, you understand,’ a nervous laugh fell from Domenico’s mouth as he attempted to justify his trickery.

Ajax stared straight at Domenico. Suddenly, Domenico seemed small to Luca. His shoulders curled over with his hands open palmed in front his chest. The crunch of his loose gravel under his shoes was the only sound as he back toward to dock, inching closer to his ship with every step. He grabbed his second in charge and pulled him in front of him like a human shield. The man rolled his eyes with a huff as he was forced toward the ship with his boss.

Luca broke eye contact and examined Ajax’s face. Ajax gaze never faltered, his eyes never fully closing. His jaw was clenched but the rest of his body relaxed, his face scarily neutral. No fear.

Luca didn’t recognise him, he’d never seen him like this. This wasn’t his grandfather. This was The Enforcer.

Ajax looked to the second in command and without saying a word, beckoned him with his index finger.  The man immediately pulled away from Domenico with ease.

‘Cesare, where are you going?’ Domenico stood helplessly alone, his other men long gone into the night. Luca watched on in trepidation as Cesare approached Ajax. Ajax handed the flower to Cesare whose face immediately dropped.

‘Let’s go,' Ajax ordered Luca. Cesare turned to face his boss and Domenico stared back apprehensively. Cesare flicked the token up and caught it in his palm, the token clinking against his rings.

Ajax walked ahead with Luca following in tow, though, Luca’s head was swivelled 180 degrees, watching Cesare reach Domenico and reveal the token in his open palm.

Domenico’s eyes widened and his head snapped up to look at Cesare. Within seconds, Domenico scrambled on his feet and sprinted towards his boat like an animal being hunted for prey. Loud thumps echoed down the street as he screamed to his men.

‘Get on the boat!’

Cesare hesitantly followed his boss in a slow jog as a group of a few men worked speedily to set the boat in motion. Metal parts from the heist laid on the land of the part, abandoned and left for guards to find. His entire project abandoned in an instant.

‘What was that?’ Luca asked Ajax.

Still looking only ahead, Ajax replied, 'I’ve given him a head start.

’As they walked home, Luca trailed slightly behind praying his grandfather wouldn’t say another word.  Luca had entered a new reality, he’d officially entered a world darker than he ever realised.

Neither of the two spoke a word until the edge of the festival grounds when Ajax broke the silence.

‘Did you know plants emit volatile organic compounds, a scent addictive to pests? They smell it from great distances, it’s like a beacon for them,' Ajax began while they were walking, ‘the other morning I was checking on my young lemon tree and there were aphids feeding on the sap.' Luca watched the floor under his feet as Ajax spoke.

'Aphids are attracted to new plants, new buds, and leaves. Their mouths pierce the flesh, sink their teeth in and weaken the plant, they stunt the growth, and distort the leaves,’ Ajax slowed his pace and looked at Luca, the shadows of his face sharpening in the moonlight, 'you have to remove them before they kill the plant.

'The sun rose, glistening of the back of his grandfather’s head. An emptiness bloomed in Luca’s chest as he examined his grandfather. The man walking ahead had grey hairs like a wolf, muscles stronger and larger than he should have as a calm, old grandfather. The man walking ahead of him wasn’t the loving man who helped raise him. He was formidable. For the first time in his life, Luca was afraid.

Other Stories


Theme: Celebrity endorsement and worship. Betrayal, family dynamics, power dynamics, reputation,  and an introduction to festivals.

Part 1:

Metal on bone reverberated ina sickening crunch before silence fell over the concert hall. All eyes fell onthe Simia man on the floor in the middle of the crowd. Luca watched as the man slowly raised his hand to his forehead, cautiously feeling the gushing wound.Hot blood oozed down the man’s face and Luca wondered how that much blood fit in someone’s head. Lying at his side lay the cast iron pan, tart cherry pie scattered in ruins on the cobblestone floor.
Just when Luca was about to run over to help him, a cheer burst from the man’s lips, hand pumped in the air in a triumphant fist. Cheers erupted from the crowd as the man was pulled to his feet, his friends dragging him back stagewhere automaton wait to patch up the brave festivalgoers.

Luca ogled the scene, teethbared in a toothy grin. The Feast of St. Alonso occurred annually, and it was his favourite event of the year full of games and processions, the only time hewas allowed to have any fun. Sacred and revered, no trades were permitted, andso, all events were open. Anyone and everyone could partake.
‘I’m gonna do it,’ Luca told his grandfather, rolling up his linen sleeves. A smile pulled at the edges of Ajax’s lips as he gave a quick side-eye to his grandson. Luca was taller thanhis grandfather but at sixteen, he hadn’t grown into his shoulders yet. Ajax stood with a perceptible menace, his arms comfortably over his chest.

‘What? You think I won’t? 'Luca probed, tying his blonde hair in a bun. He’d never participated in the pie thrower before, his family usually warning him against it. They called it superfluous when it was nothing of the sort. It was a way to show bravery and veneration in the face of bloodshed. The mark of a true Draconis mercenary.
‘I have no doubt of your willingness to participate, it’s more a matter of whether you should,' his grandfather replied, watching another next pie fly through the air hitting a small woman straight in the chest. The scent of apple and cinnamon exploding on impact.

‘The great Ajax scared of a little blood,’ Luca mocked with a smile, raising his voice over the roars of the crowd. All his life, tales of the revered Ajax Visconti whispered like wildfire through the town. One of the greatest living Gonfalon Draconis naval leaders reduced to a tame old man.