Fall From Grace

Silence encumbered the backroom of the Ancor treasury. Menelaus sat across from his brother at an ornately carved table, their faces illuminated by the oil lamps that lined the walls. Theron stared only at his hands as they fidgeted against the walnut table.

“Stop squirming. I have this under control,” Menelaus told his brother, his eyes locked on his paperwork. His broad shoulders sat upright with his elbows mounted on the table. 

Ledgers documenting his latest project were scattered over the surface in organised heaps.

“I’m going to tell them,” Theron replied.

Menelaus stopped writing, his gaze slowly rising until he looked at Theron from under his eyebrows. Theron shuffled in his seat under his brother’s glare. Menelaus knew he could never handle confrontation. He’d always been weak like that.

“You will tell our parents nothing.” Menelaus’ voice was low and quiet. Theron tried to hold the stare and, like usual, he lost. Theron averted his eyes and watched as Menelaus hid the last of the physical evidence pointing to his guilt. His mercenaries had taken care of the rest.  

A knock reverberated through the room. Theron jumped in his seat, his head whipping toward the door. Menelaus let out a heavy breath through his nose.

“What?” Menelaus yelled in response.

The wooden door slowly inched open and as it did, a distant banging and hordes of voices unfurled with it. One of Menelaus’ mercenaries stepped out from the frame, planted his arms behind his back and pointed his chin toward the ceiling.

“They know,” he spoke, just loud enough that they could hear.

“What do you mean they know?” Theron replied, and for the first time Menelaus put his quill down.

“Everyone knows, they’re waiting at the doors, requesting their scrips be returned immediately,” he paused, “and your parents, they’re on their way.”

Out of the corner of his eyes Menelaus saw his brother look towards him once more, and this time he didn't look away.

“What have you done?”

Other Stories

How to Rob an Aqueduct

Public and private key system; unregulated marketplace;unreliable security systems.The navigation between wanting a free and openmarketplace and the need for regulation in order to prevent abuse. Balancingfreedom and control.

How to Rob an Aqueduct

A guide by Magnus Varro

Rule 1: Know the landscape  

Rule 2: Get your timing right
Rule 3: Know what you’re stealing

Rule 4: Have an escape route

Rule 5: Trust no one, it’s best to work alone

Rule 6: Lookout for mercenaries and guards

Rule 7: Bring small tools and weapons with you

Rule 8: Do not rob people;only cargo

Rule 9: Know when to run(humiliation is not worse than death)
Rule 10: Don’t get caught

Cold stone was rough against Lei’s hand as he gripped the grooves of the block in the aqueduct. Twenty metres in the air, wind whipped past his ears. His masquerade mask slightly skewed the edges of his vision. Cogs and gears were carved into the gold and copper alloy. The mask sat cold and uncomfortable against his skin.

Below him grass fields painted the vast terrain various shades of green. He followed the horizon line beyond the rolling hills into the city. It was so much smaller from up there. More insignificant.

With steady hands, he hauled himself up, block by block. Despite his linen tunic disguising him against the warm-coloured stone, his black hair that sat in a bun may as well have cast a spotlight on him. He stopped climbing and glanced at his watch. Time seemed to laugh at him with how slow the seconds ticked by. It needed to hurry up.
Rule 2: Get your timing right.

The cargo would be arriving in three minutes. A burn seared through his forearms as he held on to the blocks. He always knew he was close to the top when the smell of the freshwater spilled along the sides of the channel. Water ran smoothly along the stone, a soft sound, reminiscent of the rivers he grew up with. He allowed himself a moment to close his eyes and remember. But only a moment. He had a job to finish.

Rule 7: Bring small tools and weapons with you.

He plucked a metal piton from the leather satchel attached to his belt, and carefully placed it in the grooves of the rocks in front of him. He scaled up to the peak of the structure before swiftly kicking the peg in and placing his foot on it. Slowly, he raised his head just enough so that his eyes peered over the rocks, and he surveyed the long aqueduct.